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CTH 450.1.1.2

Citatio: M. Kapełuś (ed.), CTH 450.1.1.2 (TX 17.08.2011, TRen 16.02.2011)

§ 12''
55 -- [Then they slaughter one pi]g and five arta-birds in the pit.
56 -- [An]d they detach [the silver snout] from it.
57 -- A[nd] they detach [silver] and [go]ld D[UG-jugs] from the birds.
58 -- And they [d]etach [the silver] from the waterpipe.
59 -- They sort them
60 -- and [t]ak[e] them [into the stone-house].

Editio ultima: Textus 17.08.2011; Traductionis 16.02.2011